
A Digital Toolbox and Online Handbook of Good Practice Examples of Women


The “ideas bank” with:

  • practical tutorials of the best:
        • digital tools
        • services
        • frameworks
  • used by women entrepreneurs to address the needs of women:
        • starting a new business
        • transforming the existing business to digital requirements
        • expanding their business activities

A set of:

  • best practice examples of women entrepreneurs
  • video testimonials of women entrepreneurs who:
        • use digital marketing and e-commerce
        • promote their business online
        • inspire and encourage other women to use these tools in their business


  • to develop the knowledge and skills of women entrepreneurs to grow their business by:
        • learning from the good practice examples of entrepreneurs in the partner regions
        • which they can adapt to their business
        • learn through an online self-paced course at a time that fits their other family commitments


  • The impact is to:
        • act as an ‘ideas bank’ for other women entrepreneurs
        • inspire and encourage them to use these tools in their business
        • compile these best practice examples into a handbook to form a complementary part of the online learning course


Digital Toolbox and Handbook of Good Practice Examples:

  • To choose/collect:
        • the best digital tools,
        • services and frameworks
  • To address the needs of women entrepreneurs:
        • starting a new business,
        • transforming an existing business to digital requirements and
        • expanding their business activities.
  • To prepare a set of practical tutorials:
        • for different digital tools and services,
        • with real-life examples, cases, and success stories from actual users
          in a way that would enable self-learning.
  • To gather a set of best practice examples of women entrepreneurs as the target group who:
        • use digital marketing and e-commerce,
        • promote their business online.
  • To identify:
        • the business design,
        • digital marketing,
        • e-commerce tools,
        • models used by these women entrepreneurs.